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Reiki, the Usui Method of Natural Healing
What is Reiki?
What is Reiki? The word "Reiki" is Japanese and means "Universal life healing force". Reiki is a natural hands-on healing technique in which the practitioner is *attuned* to different levels and becomes open for the life force energy to work through them. The practitioner does not use their own energy, nor do they use the energy of the person being healed. Both parties receive the benefits of practice as the energy flows through the hands of the practitioner to the person being healed. Healing can occur in a very short time in many cases or may take many sessions. More advanced Reiki practitioners (level two and above) can also participate in distance healing. This means the individual being healed does not need to be present and the hands do not need to physically touch the person in order to be effective. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reiki is particularly effective in pain and stress management. Reiki is also uniquely used for those who cannot be touched because of severe burns or other health conditions.------- Bodywork is often used in conjunction with the Reiki techniques but should not be confused with massage therapy. Did you know that animals and even plants respond to Reiki energy? Your pet can benefit too. Anna M. Pohl is a certified Reiki Master Teacher. Read on to learn how you can book a session or how You can find out about becoming a practitioner yourself. Call now 440-341-5004
Some facts about Reiki

The Turkey Vulture is much like Reiki. It improves and cleanses everything it comes into conact with. Reiki is an ancient Tibetan healing technique which was rediscovered by Mikao Usui a Japanese monk in the mid 1800's. That is why it is called the Usui method of Energy Healing. The lineage of the Usui Method that Anna is part of is as follows: Mikao Usui, Dr. Chujiro Hayashi, Mrs. Hawayo Takata who is responsible for bringing this to the west. Her students then continued teaching and expanding to Master/Teacher Nancy Welch at the Universal Life Healing Church and Healing Center in Irwin PA to Anna.

Reiki uses Universal Life Energy that is most definitely a positive uplifting force. It cleanses and helps the person heal themselves if that person is open to it. Once the mechanism is opened the *attuned* person can always call upon the Reiki energy and can further enhance their ability by the use of sacred symbols initiating mental and emotional healing as well as the distance healing mentioned earlier. You cannot confuse Reiki or use it to negatively affect anyone or anything else. One of the benefits of Reiki to be sure, you can't mess it up! :0)

What can you expect during a session? A client may lie down on a table (like a massage table) or sit in a chair. And relax! The client will be asked to remove jewelry, especially watches, as the batteries do not retain their energy in most cases. The client stays fully clothed except for the removal of shoes. Reiki is not a religion and there is no need to believe in or not to believe in any specific doctrine to participate and enjoy its benefits. You as the client don’t *do* anything. You don't have to perform any rituals or rites. You don't even have to believe it will work. You will just “Be” there and feel the peace and healing.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Look for more healing arts click here! The actual session is effortless. The client is sitting or will lie down. After their preparation as the practitioner sets their intention, the practitioner will usually place her/his hands in different positions on the clients body. The client will actually pull the energy through the practitioner automatically. The practitioner will keep the hands in that position until such time as the energy pull wanes and then will move the hands to another position. Most clients feel relaxed, some even fall asleep, others feel energized. Each person is different. Feeling heat, pulsing or other sensations is common. At times the client will even feel nothing though the energy is flowing anyway. All these are perfectly normal. After the session, whether it is a longer full body session or a shorter one, it is recommended that the client drink some water and relax until they feel comfortable moving or getting up gently.

NOTE: I am not a massage therapist, however, the client may choose to have a more extensive session. When adding bodywork to a session some pressure or contact may be involved. This is entirely at the discretion of the client and their comfort level and is in no way necessary in order to have an effective Reiki session.

Sessions Time and Cost

All Reiki donations and fees go to the continuation of education and healing in Reiki and the healing arts. FULL BODY SESSIONS Take approximately 45 minutes to an hour. They are usually $75.00 Locally. Other costs depend on travel expenses for each session. Longer sessions can be as long as an hour and a half and start at $130.00. We offer multiple session pricing. Please contact us for more about specifics in your area, event and situation. 440-341-5004

SHORT SESSIONS, GROUP-MEETS AND CHARITY EVENTS: Group Sessions are usually seated healing sessions and are ten to fifteen minutes long. Group-meets are fun and feel even more wonderful because you get to share the benefits with your friends. Travel out of the area or state is not available for individual short sessions only groups. Full sessions are available but at the discretion of the practitioner. Travel expenses apply. Donations at charity events are always welcome. These funds go to The Oh My Gosh! Co. Healing Arts Program, providing for the costs of improvement, overhead and guest practitioners. Please contact us for costs and planning information. 440-341-5004

DISTANCE SESSIONS: These can take as little as fifteen minutes, or even as long as 2 hours depending on the individual case. They are available at any time by appointment only, however. We recommend a time when you can relax into the session. The evening or just before you go to sleep are good times for distance sessions. Distance sessions are at no cost, but donations are accepted through PayPal. Contact us to make your appointment today. 440-341-5004 Thanks to you.